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[개정반영] 듀오링고 이론 (DET 문제유형 완전정복) 글쓰기 답변 검토 부탁드립니다.

작성자 : 이동*·등록일 : 2022.03.22·조회수 : 742

이전글 다음글

선생님 안녕하세요!
읽고 짧은 글 쓰기 유형 관련해서 아래와 같이 저만의 답안을 작성하였는데 혹시 추가되거나 활용되면 좋을만한 문구 있으면 알려주시면 감사하겠습니다!

질문 : Have you ever witnessed or been involved in a situation when two people misunderstood each other? what h_append_ed? include specific details in you answer.

[내 답안 (초안)]
Many people have experiences what is occured due to misunderstanding each other. In my case, it was when i worked at Vienam with foreigners. Because of lack of vietnam language skill, it was hard to comunicate with them correctly. For detail, when i asked my coworker to have a meeting with customer. But, he did not understand my meaning clearly. So, he had appointment with other customer. I think that it was occured due language and lack of communication. After i knew my problems, i tried to solve this problem and solved. To conclude, I think that lack of communication could result in misunderstanding.

질문 : Discuss a time when you made a life-altering choice. What would your life have been like if you had made a different decision at the time? Give specific details for your answer.​

[내 답안 (초안)]
Many people has a life-altering choice for their life. In my case, a life-altering choice is living in vietnam for studying and working. In detail, after i finished military service, i had plan to study and work abroad and chose Vietnam for this. if i had made a different decision, living in Korea nomally, i think that i could not work yet. Because, in nowadays there are many difficulties to start to work such as a lot of competitives, certifications and poor salary. To conclude, i think that if i had made a different decision to stay in Korea, I would have lived a completely different life.

제니 선생님의 답변(2022.03.23)


작성하신 글에 대한 간단한 피드백을 드리자면:
1. ~일이 일어나다 는 is occurred 가 아니라 그냥 occur만 사용해야 합니다
2. In nowadays 잘못된 표현 -> 그냥 nowadays
3. 연결사들을 잘 사용하셔서 내용의 흐름은 매끄럽게 잘 흘러갑니다

추가 사용하기 좋은 표현은:
The important point was that: 중요한 부분은~ 이다
It allowed me to (do something): 이것은 나를 ~하게 만들어 주었다

이런 표현을 시작으로 어휘의 폭을 넓혀보세요! :)


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